RSRH Livestock Corporation: A Commitment to Clean Processes and Environmental Stewardship

At RSRH Livestock Corporation, we are driven by a mission that goes beyond providing clean processes, quality meat, and fair prices for every Filipino family. We are dedicated to being part of the solution for nature conservation and addressing the pressing environmental issue of water pollution caused by industrial effluent.

We are delighted to announce that, in collaboration with Broadfield Engineering Technologies and Integrated Services (STP Contractor), alongside Dr. Merlinda A. Palencia, the inventor of Vigormin, we have successfully implemented a solution to treat effluent wastewater. Now, our wastewater complies with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) standards set by DENR Administrative Order 2016-08, ensuring that our discharge meets the required water quality guidelines.

With this, we are proud to adopt a closed system without discharge, where recycled water is used to clean lairage areas and water our vegetable gardens, reducing our environmental impact.

This achievement reflects our belief that working hand in hand is the key to cultivating, healing, and caring for Mother Earth. By living the principles of Laudato Si, Pope Francis’s encyclical on the care of our common home, we strive to make meaningful changes toward a sustainable future.

We hope for a world where corruption stops at all levels, and we urge businesses—large and small—to prioritize environmental protection for the well-being of future generations.

Mabuhay ang mabuting Pilipino! ����

#RSRH #EnvironmentalStewardship #LaudatoSi #SustainableDevelopment #WaterConservation #CorporateResponsibility #MotherEarth #CleanProcesses #GreenFuture #Mabuhay


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